Reviews of Sara's books
Sara Verrall is a talented author who has discovered her true passion for crafting stories that touch the hearts of readers.
Here are some readers' reviews that have brought a smile to her face. Their words encourage her to continue putting pen to paper, to tell the stories she believes will lift your spirits on rainy days, ease your soul on sunny days, and take you to a happy place - even on a grey day!
Because she wants her work to be accessible to as many people as possible, Sara has also created an Audiobook to accompany each title. So whichever book you choose, to read or listen, know that she's passing on these true stories to reach out and connect with you - no matter where you might be in this big, crazy World.

"Wow! You’re going to just love Sara's book, as she shares with us her journey of her integration into French daily life. I snuggled up on the sofa, and lost myself in the colourful descriptions of the great challenge she took on by moving from England. Sara’s style is such that you have the impression she is at your side talking to you, page after page slipping past oh too quickly! You can identify with her frustrations, her moments of sadness, but especially her joie de vivre, which oozes out page after page. Read it – love it ….. for sure!"
Mary H - Wirral, UK
"Your style of writing is so direct, honest and compelling - of your plans, your thoughts, your meetings and your sheer enjoyment of being. ...You have a wonderful ability to listen to people and to show your enjoyment in doing so."
Chris T - Brighton, UK
"I really enjoyed this second book by the author Sara Verrall. She has a friendly style of writing, inviting you in to share her warm views on the world and the lessons she has learnt. This time she is writing on behalf of her Swedish boyfriend who followed his own heart to create a fabulous B&B in the south of France. The narrative is full of entertaining anecdotes as well as all sorts of helpful hints and links to products. ...
I would recommend it as an inspiring read for anyone who has a dream, no matter what their goal is. ...
A really good read, for fun, entertainment or information. I am looking forward to more."
Pamela W - Sete, France
about "Dream it, Do it ... Why not?"
"I was smiling as I turned every page"
Sara's readers have written ...
"You write with such emotion"
"I walked beside you as I read every step that you took"
"I found it inspirational, informative and funny in almost equal parts. I recommend this book."
Celia G. (O.B.E.) - Hove, UK
"Thank you for sharing your story. I am in awe at your bravery and courage.
And at your amazing partner for all his strength and determination through your journey."
V.Y. - UK
"I had no idea there were so many alternative things you could do to get rid of a tumour. This is really useful information and I admire Sara's courage in writing such a personal account so that other people may benefit from what she has learnt."
R.C. - UK
about "No Chemo, No Radio
... No Knife"
Please do let me know your views, too ...
For insights into the early years in France --->
Reviews matter for writers. Please take a minute to let me have your feedback on any or all of my books. Either directly on Amazon, or by using the Contact Form here. Thank you so much
"I read it from cover to cover. I thought you were incredibly brave to pursue an alternative way to treatment. The bond between you both was unbelievable, and wow, amazing."
S.A. - France
a Little Book
with a Big Message

about "How to Create a Great B&B"